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I, ROS MARTIN am an award winning playwright, poet, artist, experimental theatre & film maker based in Bristol, U.K. I am a freelance producer, writer & cultural activist of British, Nigerian, Brazilian and St. Lucian descent……..


‘The past absorbs me, how it informs and impacts on our present condition, what is it that is remembered, what is not remembered, how our stories are told in museums and in schools, what we have been bequeathed from others in our present landscapes and how we respond, if at all, to this.


I have been both writing, creating and performing & drawing up theatre performances, making digital film shorts & shows since 2002. I enjoy collaborating across art-form in projects both locally, nationally & increasingly internationally. I have a particular interest in bringing to life, little known aspects of local Bristol African, British history & heritage to elucidate, lives impacted by British colonialism, and to afford lives deemed less than, their humanity,  dignity and memorialisation in Bristol’s landscapes and beyond.


I use whatever form that comes to me as an artist, whatever niggles me to act, create,  collaborate with others i.e partners, activists, artists, cultural providers on a project by project basis i.e through Our Stories Make Waves,  Olawale Arts or Our Our History, Our Heritage ( the latter through delivering schools workshops and talks).


My aim  as an artist, is to socially engage others with the invisible, marginalised lives, histories and cultures of the oppressed, whoever they are and wherever they are.’

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